I realized that with my first pregancy with my son, I didn't keep any kind of records of my pregnancy. I vaguely remember being deathly ill, but I don't remember when. I don't remember when I started to show. Nor do I remember all the little things in between that I'm constantly asking myself now. So along with the other topics I talk about on my blog, I guess I want to make this sort of a journal for myself and maybe some days for my kids. Not every entry will be exciting, but I think its fascinating to look back at the weekly events that took place.
So this week, I'm six weeks pregnant. Today, I'm 6weeks4days. Symptoms have been little to none. Part of me wants to celebrate this lack of morning sickness and boobs that hurt so bad you want to cry. These are symptoms I remember having the first go round. This time, as least by this point, I've been spared. My boobs don't hurt near as bad as they did in the weeks prior. Its more my nipples that hurt to the point of feeling like they could be sliced off by the wind. Luckily, it doesn't start off that way, but after being cooped up in a bra all day, by night time, they're screaming for freedom. I feel like they've grown in size. I'm not spilling over in my bra just yet, but I've still got along ways to go.
Morning sickness hasn't shown her ugly head yet. If memory serves me right, I don't think it hit me until week 8 or later. So there's still time to ruin a lunch or two. I'm enjoying the sick-free time right now and indulging myself in whatever I want to eat. I'm trying, emphasis on trying, to eat healthy. I fail almost daily when a craving for fried pickles suddenly surfaces. I order fried pickles. One of the many crazy cravings I'm sure to have. Compared to last time, its about the same. I lived on those small chocolate donettes you find at the gas station and chocolate milk for breakfast. Fries with ketchup and a salad with vinegar and oil for lunch and dinner varied from pizza, to Mexican food to Italian. Its no wonder why my son constantly eats those things. He comes by it rightfully.
I occasionally get a twinge of queasiness. If I don't eat or if I eat too much. I'll take that at this point. At least I'm still able to eat. Who knows, I might get off lucky this time and escape the dreaded sickness after all.
I've already gained 4-5 pounds. I'm not sure what to blame that on. It could be the copious amounts of food I've already consumed or the two forms of progesterone I'm still currently on or the fact that I could be carrying twins. I'm praying for the latter. Every inch of my heart wants twins. Not because I'll be free to continue eating at a furious pace, but because that is the desire of my heart. We placed two beautiful embryos inside with the hopes that both made it. I'm believing my babies are fighters. We'll find out for sure next Monday.
I'm already showing a little. Again, I can blame this on several things. Medicine, weight gain or twins. Can anyone guess what I'm hoping for???? I don't mind wearing maternity clothes early. Bring on the maternity pants. I'll be sporting leggings with a smile. If it means that I walk away with two babies, who could ask for more???
But most of all, I want to be grateful for this experience. Grateful for the lack of morning sickness. Grateful for the racing heart and feeling hot all the time. Its such a beautiful thing. God's miracles are so wonderful and I always want to remind not only myself but anyone reading this, that his miracles are bigger than we can imagine.
Here is a verse that was mentioned at our monthly Habitation service at Church. It was such a moving time and very relevant to our situation. It came from a couple who had been struggling to have baby for as many year as Phillip and I have. But they finally received their miracle, as will we. We both loved these verses. But as I read the verse, I read the previous verse and the verses following and loved the entire thing. Hopefully, even though my pregnancy fog, I can memorize it.
Phil 1:3-11 "I thank my God upon every remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine making request of you all with joy for your fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ just as it is right for me to think this of you all, because I have you in my heart, inasmuch as both in my chains and in the defense and confirmation of the gospel, you all are partaker with me of grace. For God is my witness, how greatly I long for you all with the affection of Jesus Christ and this I pray that your love may abound still more and more in knowledge and all discernment that you may approve the things that are excellent, that you may be sincere and with out offense til the day of Christ being filled with the fruits of righteousness which are by Jesus Christ to the glory and praise of God."
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